Thank you for your interest in Rose Buds Bread Club! Here’s everything you need to know. Following this FAQ, you find the form to sign up.

Deadline to sign up? September 15, 2024

Cost: $96/share, paid in full week 1.

Pick up days: Thursday from 2-4pm or Sunday from 2-4pm. You must choose one or the other. (If you want both, you must buy 2 shares!).

When does it start and end?: Thursday subscriptions run from September 26 to December 19. Sunday subscriptions run from September 29 to December 22. There will be no pickups the week of Thanksgiving.

What happens after I fill out this form? We will confirm your share via email on September 16. You will pay for your subscription the first pick up.

Will the type of bread change weekly? No, it will be a whole grain, boule each week.

What if I miss my pick up? There are no wildcards or credits. If you can’t pick up, have a friend pick up! If a friend can’t pick up, missed loafs will be donated to one of our neighborhood food banks.

Similarly, if you have a Thursday slot and don’t pick it up, there won’t be loaf for you on Sunday unless you want to buy a retail loaf (if available) at the normal price.

What if I can’t make the first pick up? Come in before September 26 and pay for your subscription. Any unpaid shares after the first pickup date will be offered to the first person on the waiting list at a prorated price.

What if I love bread and 1 loaf is not enough? You are welcome to buy more than 1 share.

Can I pick up earlier than 2pm? No. We are happy to sell you a retail loaf if available.

Can I pay each week? No

What if I am on a limited income, can I pay in installments? Please sign up, come by the shop and we’ll work out a plan.

Can I cancel in the middle and get a refund for remaining shares? N0